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Veröffentlicht am Oktober 07 2021

Kurse in Irland, die Ihnen Arbeitsplätze garantieren

By  Herausgeber
Aktualisiert April 03 2024

Nach dem Brexit ist Irland nun das einzige überwiegend englischsprachige Land in der Europäischen Union. Damit ist Irland als Studienort für ein Auslandsstudium in der EU attraktiver geworden als je zuvor.

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Courses in Ireland that guarantee you jobs


Combining an English-based education with being the technological and economic center of the EU, Ireland does give you the best in terms of opportunities. When you decide to Auslandsstudium in Irland, you gain valuable international exposure that will also help you with work overseas eventually. Ireland has some of the best universities in the world. Acquiring a Bachelors or Masters Degree in Ireland can prove to be the ideal launchpad for you. After becoming a part of the EU, Ireland quickly transitioned into a prominent economic powerhouse in Europe. Structural reforms have attracted and led to many multinational corporations setting up their European headquarters within Ireland. Ireland offers a wide range in possibilities for graduates with an international background. If you study abroad in Ireland, you have a good chance of securing a job and staying in Ireland after you graduate. Here, let’s see courses in Ireland that guarantee you jobs.  


Digitales Marketing

In high demand, digital marketing courses can help you in securing employment in mobile marketing, social media, web data analytics, CRM systems, and Search Engine Optimization [SEO]. Running modern businesses, especially in the COVID-19 scenario, has led to many companies turning to digital marketing to their profit.  



An innovative technology hub, Ireland has many job openings for individuals in Cyber Security. As per industry estimates, there are around 1 million jobs in the field globally. The requirement might go up to 2 million in 2022. Many of the top companies for cyber security are located in Ireland.


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Investmentbanking und Finanzen

Auch für internationale Studierende ist ein Investmentbanking- und Investmentstudium in Irland eine gute Option. Da es in Dublin viele Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaften und Investmentbanken gibt, gibt es viele Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten.  



Among the most popular study abroad options for overseas students in Ireland, big data and software engineering courses are offered by many higher education institutions in the country. Sofware engineering courses in Ireland are often combined with machine learning and artificial intelligence. A significant proportion of international students in Ireland are enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics [STEM] courses. With major Information and Communications Technology [ICT] companies having established their presence in Ireland, there is a high demand for international students from a STEM background in this fast-growing field.  



Ireland offers business programs for international students that develop their theoretical as well as practical knowledge. International students that pursue MBA or business analytics in Ireland can later work as statistician, business analyst, financial analyst, quantitative analyst etc. Business program graduates might find employment in various industries. International students graduating from universities and colleges in Ireland are well-placed to seek work opportunities within these industries. Ireland's education system ranks in the Top 10 internationally. Industry-led courses offered in Ireland – such as data analytics, med-tech, life sciences, ICT, etc. – make those graduating from Ireland highly employable globally, and not just in Ireland. If you are looking to Study, Work, Visit, Invest or Migration ins Ausland, Sprechen Sie mit Y-Axis, der weltweit führenden Einwanderungs- und Visagesellschaft.


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