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Veröffentlicht am Dezember 13 2018

Y-Axis Tutor has been thanked by Deepachandra

By  Herausgeber
Aktualisiert April 26 2023
Sehr geehrte Frau,

I did get the scores, 7.5 overall and only 6 in reading and 7 in writing. Listening and speaking I got 7.5.

Madam, my skill assessment is being filed; but I am very tensed up as I need to get 8 in all. And now the consultant has said I can take the GENERAL -IELTS while he had been asking only for Academic.

Madam, please help me out with necessary tips to score 8 in all 4 bands for my General training test.

Thanking you, Deepachandra Review By:

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