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Veröffentlicht am September 23 2014

Singapurer können automatisierte Abfertigungstore für die Einreise nach Hongkong nutzen

By  Herausgeber
Aktualisiert April 01 2024

Singaporeans aged 11 or above can now take automated clearance gates in Hong Kong. The Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA) of Singapore announced that individuals with Singapore passports who have visited Hong Kong for at least three times will now be allowed to take e-channel of Hong Kong at Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal or International Airport. ICA further added that, Children between 11 and 17 years have to be accompanied by the parents or by the guardians. They also have to carry a proof stating their relationship. Hong Kong passport holders will also be eligible for the same service. Singapore to reciprocate the same service at Tuas Checkpoint, ICA Building, Changi Airport, and at the Woodlands Checkpoint. Frequent travellers to Hong Kong from Singapore and vice-versa can now avoid long queues and walk their way out of the airport much faster.


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Automatische Abfertigungstore Hongkong

E-Channel am Flughafen Hongkong


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