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Veröffentlicht am Februar 15 2019

19 Telugu-Studenten, die im US-Visa-Betrug gefangen sind, werden zurückkehren

By  Herausgeber
Aktualisiert April 02 2024

19 Telugu-Studenten hatten sich bei der sogenannten eingeschrieben Farmington-Universität unter dem Motto „Pay-to-Stay“. Ein örtliches Gericht hat ihnen schließlich die Erlaubnis erteilt, das Land zu verlassen und nach Indien zurückzukehren.


The US Visa Fraud managed to lure many students from India into the country. Total of 20 students had been remanded at 2 centres since January 31. The Callahan County centre detained 12 students. The rest were detained in the Michigan Monroe centre. Out of the 20 students, 17 are Telugus. The local court has granted them permission to leave the country on February 12 and return to India.


Venkat Manthena, an American Telangana Association representative has shared the news with Hindustan Times. According to him, one Telugu student stayed back to argue his case. This student is married to a US citizen. Another student is asked to leave under the US Government Removal order. The country allowed the rest of the Telugu students to leave the country voluntarily.


100 more Telugu students await court orders at 30 detention centres. They all were trapped by the same US Visa Fraud scandal. Some of them have managed to come out on bail bond. Others are in the process of attaining the same. The courts in their respective states should grant them permission to leave the country. Only then can they go back to India. However, the process entirely depends on the intensity of charges against them.


Sagar Doddapaneni, AP Non-resident Telugus Society Coordinator confirmed that some students have received voluntary departure permission. They must leave the US through the identified routes. US Immigration authorities would direct them. Also, they would make arrangements for taking them to the airport.


Overseas Students from India were given time till February 26. But they are planning to return to India at the earliest. They should complete the paperwork fast. The first batch of students is expected to return to India this week. Telangana representatives in the US are trying to get help for all students trapped in this US Visa Fraud.


The US Immigration Fraud, however, has created immense concern in the US as well as in India. The US Government reinforces that Immigrants should be careful about choosing an Immigration program. This is not the first time that Immigrants have fallen victim to any US Visa Fraud. Thorough research and credibility check are mandatory actions before taking the plunge.


Y-Axis bietet eine breite Palette an Visa- und Einwanderungsdienstleistungen sowie Produkte für angehende Einwanderer aus Übersee, darunter Arbeitsvisum für USA, Studienvisum für die USA, Geschäftsvisum für die USA, Y-Internationaler Lebenslauf 0-5 Jahre, Y-Internationaler Lebenslauf (Senior Level) 5+ Jahre, Y-Jobs, Y-Pfad, Lebenslauf-Marketing-Services Ein Staat und Ein Land.


Wenn Sie auf der Suche Studie, arbeiten, besuchen, investieren oder In die USA auswandern, sprechen Sie mit Y-Axis, der weltweit führenden Einwanderungs- und Visagesellschaft.

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